SBTSongs Podcast: Emily Brooke

Welcome to Stories Behind the Songs with Chris Blair!  This has been a project we have been working on for awhile and we are so glad to finally be launching.  I'm even more excited to introduce to you our first guest, Emily Brooke.  Listen here on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Google, iHeart, YouTube or search “Stories Behind the Songs with Chris Blair” or “SBTSongs Podcast” anywhere you listen to podcasts!

Emily was one of my "Unsigned Artists of the Month" last year.  What does that mean?  I own a music venue in Nashville and Pigeon Forge, TN called The Listening Room, and through that venue I see the absolute best singer/songwriters before anyone else really knows them.  I have watched so many friends who were regulars on our stage launch their careers to stardom.  I started highlighting different artists last year that I thought were on their way, and Emily is one of those.  You need to know her music!

In this episode Emily will share her story behind her latest single, Sidetracked.  She will talk about her journey to American Idol and what she learned being on that show. She will talk about how she got into music in the first place.  She's an amazing singer/songwriter, a great person and I know she's got some big things coming.  Go buy her music, follow her on Spotify and all music platforms/socials and support her.  Let us know what you think and I hope you enjoy this first episode!

Liner Notes/Links:

Emily's Website -

Emily's Instagram -

Emily's TikTok -

Emily's Spotify -

And follow us - Stories Behind the Songs - here:

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Chris Blair Instagram -

SBTSongs YouTube Video -

Chris Blair Website -

We hope you you'll share this podcast with your friends, give us 5 stars, follow - all the things!  We appreciate the support and can't wait to keep bringing great guests and stories to you every week.  Thanks for listening!  And also a HUGE thank you to our sponsors of this episode:

Sennheiser -

Britt Skin Beauty Aesthetics -

Copyright and Produced by Emerge Nashville, LLC  -

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